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Gifted Support Network



We are delighted to be included in the programs and seminars at the National Education Summit Melbourne on Saturday 24 July 2021.

We invite you to a morning tea and seminar presentation as part of the Education Show (expo component of the Summit).

10.30 - 11.00am: Morning Tea

11.30 - 12.30pm: Seminar presented by Kathleen Humble, GSN Committee member*

Title: How Myths/Confusion around gifted and 2e kids impedes parent/teacher and teacher/child interactions and what can help.

Giftedness is often confusing to understand. There are many misunderstandings about giftedness and these can lead to problems in the classroom. This panel will discuss some of the most common misunderstanding and how parents on the panel worked through addressing and working through these issues with their children's educators.  

Ready to book your spot - Register Now

Kathleen Humble is a gifted and 2e advocate and writer in Melbourne, Australia. She has written for numerous publications, including “The Mighty,” and done many talks on educating gifted and  twice-exceptional kids, including presenting at the 22nd Biennial World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children in Sydney in 2017. Kathleen was a Writers Victoria Write-ability Fellow in 2018. She published a book with GHF Press, in the US, in 2019 on "Gifted Myths". She also writes about her 2e family, which includes her very patient husband and their two homeschooled children, at Yellow Readis (https://yellowreadis.com). 
